NEBP Live Streams
Below are links to YouTube channels where NEBP Engineering teams live-streamed views from the edge of space on April 8, 2024.
The teams' livestream links are given below in alphabetical order along with general time frames for when their streams were recorded.
1:15 - 1:45pm Central Time: AZ Eclipse Ballooning, Embry Riddle, USIP - University of Houston, Fisk Aerospace, University of Bridgeport, Olin College, University of Delaware, UNR Ballooning
1:30 - 2:00pm Central Time: UAH Hardware Club, Student Space Programs Lab, South Dakota and Wyoming Team, Central Wyoming College, Wyomng Space Engineers, Florida teams, Arkansas State University
1:45 - 2:15pm Central Time: Virginia Tech, Missouri, Mercer, Nebraska, Iowa, South Side Hackerspace, UHart-Tunxis
3:00 - 3:30pm Eastern Time: University of Minnesota, University of Michigan, St. Francis University, Montana State University, University of Maryland, Eastern Michigan University, Gannon University, WV Space Grant WV BEAR
3:15 - 3:45pm Eastern Time: Drexel University, Hanover High School, University of Maine
Livestream links:
University of Minnesota Twin Cities - Stay Tuned

Links from the 2023 annular eclipse
Arizona North (Arizona State and University of Arizona)
Florida: Univerisity of North Florida and University of Central Florida
Gannon University (Pennsylvania)
Hanover High School (New Hampshire)
South Side Hackerspace: Chicago