Join a NEBP team:

January 2023: NEBP teams begin student learning. Your state may have an Atmospheric Science team, an Engineering team, or both.

Summer training:

Summer 2023: Strongly encouraged summer student internships where students conduct test flights. For campuses that cannot support summer work, students are encouraged to work with a partner campus/team. Students must commit to participating in at least eight full (8 hour) days of hands-on work, including at least one/one set of practice flight(s), prior to the 10/14/23 annular eclipse.

Knowledge sharing:

Fall 2023: Students give presentations and participate in media activities.

Eclipse campaigns:

October 14, 2023: Annular eclipse. Atmospheric Science teams conduct full research campaign. Engineering teams conduct full test flights.

April 8, 2024: Total eclipse. This is it! Full eclipse campaigns.

Data analysis:

Spring 2024: All students invited to continue participating in data analysis

Summer 2024 – spring 2025: Finish data analysis & model simulations and begin publishing findings.

Wrap-up and conclusion:

Summer 2024 - fall 2025: Wrap up. Ensure all data is publicly available, lessons learned are recorded, final reports are complete, all evaluation activities submitted.