A very imortant component of NEBP -- or any field campaign or similar project -- is to document your work as you go along. You may have done this for a class before, such as a science lab book. Other people may call this a research journal, an engineering logbook, or other names. Not only will this help you throughout NEBP, but it can become a portfolio of your work and experiences that will be valuable when you apply for jobs or advanced education.

We encourage you to record a journal entry after the completion of each NEBP lesson in this series, although recording more often is even better -- such as when you learn a new skill, encounter a challenge or launch a balloon.

Why keep a logbook or portfolio?

"High performing individuals in all professions are similar to the extent that they monitor andcontrol where they invest their time, they learn and apply the best practices their profession, and they regularlytake time to learn from their successes and failures." -- University of Idaho Engineering Logbook

A logbook is typically more specific to a class, a project or an experience, while a portfolio is larger and encapsulates a variety of learning experiences.

You should definitely keep a logbook throughout your NEBP experience, and you may also wish to begin building a career portfolio, which will include your NEBP -- and other -- learning.

NEBP logbook format

It doesn't matter what format your logbook or portfolio is in, as long as you have and maintain one. Some people like to keep hand-written journals or notebooks. You can use a standard lab book that can typically be purchased at a university bookstore, or you can choose your own notebook.

Other people like to keep an electronic record using Google Docs or another software.

You also do not have to use the exact template we describe below; you may have used a process before that works well for you -- that's fine! Feel free to use and/or modify the tools we have recommended below.

If you have a recommendation for a great system, software or process that may be useful to other students, please share it with us at nebp@sympa.montana.edu.

Logbook templates -- see career portfolio suggestions below

Below are some templates you can use or modify.

You may also wish to includeteam meeting notes; correspondence/communication with team members or partners; ideas and sketches; questions you want to answer or new skills you hope to learn; personal reflections.

[These are all the same and the text is also below in HTML]

The NEBP Launch Site Metadata Form is useful for launch days (download from our NEBP Google Drive)

Logbook fields in HTML

Your name:




Select your track: ____Atmospheric Sciences  or ____Engineering


Today’s Goal(s)


Did you complete or make progress on any NEBP lessons?

Atmospheric Science Lesson: _____________________

Engineering Lesson:  _____________________

Balloons launched (y/n)? _____________

(If yes, you may wish to use this Launch Site Metadata Form:https://tinyurl.com/NEBP-launchsite-metadataor download from our NEBP Google Drive)

Procedures: (Describe the steps your team needs to take today)

Results: (What were the outcomes?)

Lessons learned or improvements for next time:

Any sketches or photos?

Describe your launch site here: https://tinyurl.com/NEBP-launchsite-metadataor download from our NEBP Google Drive)

Career portfolio

While an NEBP logbook will help you capture all the details of your lessons, meetings, flights and progress throughout the NEBP project, a career portfolio will be an even bigger encapsulation of everything you are learning through NEBP as well as other classes, personal learning and life experiences. The career portfolio is something you can use when you interview for a job or consider advanced education.

Many people like to use a free website hosting tool such as Wix, WordPress or Google Sites.

You can also build and use a LinkedIn presence to share your skills and experiences.

Depending on where you are in your educational journey, your career portfolio may include the following. Even if you are very early on in your education, you can always begin building your portfolio now!

The section below includes suggestions for sections that should be in ALL portfolios and suggestions for portfolio content that is more relevant when applying for a specific job, internship or eduational opportunity.

All portfolios

Demonstration of skills

  • List or description of relevant and potentially augmentative skill strengths
  • List of completed modules with reflection on what the lessons mean through the participants lens
  • List of relevant courses

Demonstration of experiences

  • Example work modified from final reports
  • Examples of teamwork

Awards and Honors

List externally recognized awards and honors

Presentations and Publications

  • Present research work at a conference (college student research conference, scientific conference, etc.)
  • Present research work to peers, especially to students interested in the certificate and communities that are important to your sphere of influence.
  • Make a brief research experience video that is understandable to the non-scientist for publication on Space Grant Consortia and NASA websites.

When applying for a position or internship

If you are applying for a specific position, your portfolio may also include:

Description of personal interests and values

  • Provide examples that help employers identify fit for the company culture.
  • Describe any volunteer work.
  • Demonstrate understanding of professionalism.

Detailed Path Plan

Description of the path the participant intends to follow to acquire their desired position.

Statement of current career or internship goals

Statement on why the participant is interested in the current position and how such participation benefits the participant (prospective employee) and the employer.

Resume and cover letter

  • Link to resume
  • Link to a cover letter

Reference letters

  • Links to letters

Thank you to the Montana Space Grant Consortium and the National Science Foundation-funded Future Substance of STEM Education (STEM Futures) for this career portfolio information.

If you have any questions about keeping a logbook or creating a career portfolio, please contact Suzi Taylor with the NEBP Education team at taylor@montana.edu

Watch for this reminder at the bottom of every lesson

checkbox Don't forget to track today's progress in your portfolio

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